Location: Riga
Country: Latvia
Contacto Información: [email protected]
Website Address:

The aim of the project is to promote green mobility in Baltic Sea region cities, focusing on one user group – older urban residents, providing them with extensive opportunities to actively use environmentally friendly urban transport. As a result of the project implementation, through the co-design process with active participation of the target group and the public, local municipalities’ knowledge about senior mobility needs will be improved, the effectiveness of green mobility services will be enhanced, and the proportion of seniors using green mobility services will increase.

Thematic Area – Digitalisation
Thematic Sub-category –

  • Movilidad Sostenible
  • Turismo Adaptado Al Cambio Climático
  • Tratamiento De Residuos
  • Smart city domains for the citizens in green
  • Smart city solutions and tools.
  • Better consumption & production

Type of Actor/Agent – Local Council, partnership
Typology of Green Urban Site – Street and
residential project.

Green City Elements:

  • Transporte Publico
  • Electric and Alternative Mobility
  • Economía Inteligente
  • Personas Inteligentes
  • Gobierno Inteligente
  • Movilidad Inteligente
  • Vida Inteligente
  • Participación Ciudadana
  • Co-creation in Urban Planning
  • Inteligencia Artificial

Engagement and Consultation:
Target Groups – Citizens (seniors)
Public Engagement – Was applied, proper public
Consultation Tools Used – Presentations, focus
groups, survey or feedback forms at public

Resources and Transferability:
Teaching Materials/Resources: Link
Personal Skills Required: Medium
Non-discriminatory Principles: Yes
Transferability Potential: High

Innovation and Impact:
This project, focusing on enhancing urban mobility
for seniors in Baltic Sea Region cities, adopts an
innovative approach by specifically addressing the
often-overlooked mobility needs of the ageing
population. It includes a comprehensive toolkit
tailored for older residents, promoting green
mobility with practical solutions. An
interdisciplinary mobility lab offers a holistic
strategy to tackle mobility challenges, evidenced
by a successful pilot in Riga. The project
emphasizes understanding seniors’ mobility habits
and needs for evidence-based solutions. It also
updates public space guidelines for better senior
accessibility and explores blockchain’s potential in
public transport to improve efficiency and
Expected Impact Medium
Level of Scale of Innovation 4

Budget and Analysis:
Budget Spent, Source of Money: EU fonds 1.94
million EUR
Benefits: Improved Air Quality, Well-being
benefits (such as people’s perception of
increased biodiversity and improved visual quality
of the environment), Social cost savings (such as
the impact of reduced air pollution), Creation of
green jobs and business opportunities
Challenges: A key challenge for the project is
improving the digital skills of elderly people,
essential for them to effectively use advanced
mobility solutions like blockchain-based public
transport systems.