Location: Cluj Napoca
Country: Romania
Contact Information: Cluj-Napoca City Hall and Local Council https://bugetareparticipativa.ro/contact/
Website Address: https://bugetareparticipativa.ro/proiecte/acoperisul-verde/
- Project Details:
The area of the public transport station located in Piața Garii was rehabilitated by Cluj-Napoca City Hall. 6 bus stops with a green roof were installed on the site.
Thematic Area: Climate Change Adaptation
Thematic Sub-category: Buildings & environment.
Type of Actor/Agent: Local Council
Typology of Green Urban Site: Green Roof or wall.
- Elementos De La Ciudad Verde used – Green roofs and walls, Green areas and Heat Island Effect.
- Engagement and Consultation:
Target Group – Citizens.
Public Engagement – YES.
Consultation Tools Used – Proper public engagement.
E-tools: – www.bugetareparticipativa.ro
- Innovation and Impact:
Level of Scale of Innovation: 2
Abstract of Elements of Innovation – N/A
Expected Impact Medium.
- Analysis: – N/A.
- Benefits (B) and Challenges (C):
(B) Temperature & Climate control, Improved Air Quality, Limiting impact of heatwaves by reducing urban temperatures, Improved visual quality of the environment, Aesthetic enjoyment,
(C) N/A.
- Resources and Transferability:
Teaching Materials/Resources: N/A
Personal Skills Required: Medium.
Non-discriminatory Principles N/A
Transferability Potential High.