Location: Brussels
Country: Belgium
Contact Information: [email protected] [email protected]
Website Address: Link1, Link2

Impronta Granada is an alliance between the University of Granada and the Provincial Council of Granada with the aim of addressing the challenges of the province and its municipalities, establishing a creative and productive dialogue between the diverse knowledge that is treasured by the various institutions and social actors.

Thematic Area – Climate change mitigation
Thematic Sub-category –

  • Movilidad Sostenible
  • Urbanismo verde Relacionado Con el consumo De energía
  • Renewable & Alternative Energy Sources
  • Buildings & environment
  • Adaptacion del comportamiento a condiciones climaticas extremas
  • Dominios urbanos inteligentes para los ciudadanos en ciudades verdes
  • Green Urbanism related to improving social

Type of Actor/Agent – Scientists and policy makers
Typology of Green Urban Site – There is a wide diversity of urban and/or rural areas that can be improved with the help of science.

Green City Elements:

  • Urbanismo Verde
  • Comunidades Energéticas
  • Fuentes de Energía Alternativas
  • Water Recovery and Reuse
  • Water storage, Riverbanks and seashore areas
  • Smart (Economy, People, Governance, Mobility,
  • Environment, Living)
  • Participación Ciudadana
  • Energy Savings.

Engagement and Consultation:
Target Groups – Citizens
Public Engagement – Was applied, proper public
Consultation Tools Used – In-person focus group,
survey or feedback forms at public meetings, focus
groups, webinar, stakeholder interviews.

Innovation and Impact
Within the framework of the project, the first participatory action would be some innovation laboratories that will be carried out under the title of Innovation Laboratories – Current territorial challenges: climate change, depopulation and economy. The meeting will take place in different collaborative work sessions between different academic and social actors. The objective of this action is to generate innovative solutions to problems related to climate change that
may affect the different municipalities of the province of Granada.

Expected Impact Medium
Level of Scale of Innovation 3

Budget and Analysis:
Budget Spent, Source of Money: n/a
Benefits: Temperature & Climate control, improved Air Quality, more wildlife & better habitats, improved environmental resilience, increased cultural significance, social cost savings (such as the impact of reduced air pollution), creation of green jobs and business opportunities, improved visual quality of the environment, recreational opportunities, enhancing social ties, providing educational opportunities.
Challenges: The 17 sustainable development goals, which seek to improve the lives of people around the planet are complicated and take long time to be implicated.

Resources and Transferability:
Teaching Materials/Resources: File Personal Skills Required: High
Non-discriminatory Principles: Yes
Transferability Potential: Medium