Location: Brussels
Country: Belgium
Contact Information:
Website Address:

Thematic Area – Climate change mitigation
Thematic Sub-category –

  • Sustainable Mobility;
  • Waste management.

Type of Actor/Agent – Citizens
Typology of Green Urban Site – any site where an
idea be proposed.

Green City Elements:

  • Electric and Alternative Mobility
  • Comunità Energetiche
  • Solar Energy – Photovoltaics
  • Urbanistica Verde
  • Biomassa
  • Energia Aerotermica
  • Energia Geotermica
  • Pompe di calore Geotermiche
  • Micro Hydro Power
  • Other Types of Hydroelectricity
  • Energia eolica
  • Fonti energetiche Alternative
  • 3Rs and 7Rs
  • Mercati Da Rifiuto A Risorsa
  • Urban Energy Consumption.

Engagement and Consultation:
Target Groups – Citizens.
Public Engagement – Was applied.
Consultation Tools UsedLink

Innovation and Impact
Encouraging everyone to host or join a Peer
Parliament. Design climate policies for people and
with people.
Expected Impact Medium
Level of Scale of Innovation 3

Budget and Analysis: Budget Spent, Source of Money: Europien Union Benefits: Temperature & Climate control, Improved Air Quality, improved environmental resilience, Social cost savings (such as the impact of reduced air pollution), Creation of green jobs and business opportunities, Improved visual quality of the environment, Recreational opportunities, Adjusting psychological well-being and physical health Challenges: Improve among all the future of Europe.

Resources and Transferability:
Teaching Materials/Resources: Link
Personal Skills Required: Low
Non-discriminatory Principles: Yes
Transferability Potential: Medium