Location: Brussels
Country: Belgium
Contact Information: Link
Website Address: Link

Thematic Area – Digitalisation
Thematic Sub-category –

  • Domini Di Città Intelligenti Per I Cittadini Nelle Città Verdi
    Smart city solutions and tools.
  • Type of Actor/Agent -Government
  • Typology of Green Urban Site – Cities or Rural areas
    (wherever fraud exists)

Green City Elements:

  • Urbanistica Verde
  • Quartieri a energia Positiva
  • Integrated Photovoltaics in Urban Environment
  • Energy Efficiency in Urban Planning
  • Comunità Energetiche
  • Energia solare - Fotovoltaico
  • Fonti energetiche Alternative
  • Water storage
  • Irrigazione
  • Bee-friendly gardens
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Tourism
  • Progettazione Circolare
  • Servitizzazione
  • Mercati Da Rifiuto A Risorsa
  • Filiera Corta
  • Smart (People, Governance, Mobility,
  • Environment, Living, Smart Metering
  • Co-creation in Urban Planning
  • Intelligenza Artificiale
  • Consumo di Energia urbana
  • Contratti Energetici
  • Risparmio Energetico
  • Energy Efficiency in Buildings.

Engagement and Consultation:
Target Groups – Citizens
Public Engagement – Was not applied.
Consultation Tools Used – n/a
Useful linksLink1, Link2

Innovation and Impact
With this tool, the EU tries to prevent fraud in different areas of society. Among them, it can be considered essential to ensure that the funds allocated to environmental improvement projects, whether at a private level or at a global city level, are allocated to the purpose for which they have been granted.
Expected Impact Medium
Level of Scale of Innovation 3

Budget and Analysis:
Budget Spent, Source of Money: n/a
Benefits: Improved environmental resilience, increased cultural significance, Well-being benefits (such as people’s perception of increased biodiversity and improved visual quality of the environment), social cost savings (such as the impact of reduced air pollution), improved visual quality of the environment
Challenges: People must denounce irregular behaviour regarding use of misuse of European money

Resources and Transferability:
Teaching Materials/Resources: Link1, Link2, Link3
Personal Skills Required: Medium
Non-discriminatory Principles: Yes
Transferability Potential: Medium