Location: Barcelona 

Country: Spain 

Contact Information: https://www.decidim.barcelona/users/sign_up?locale=es  

Website Address: https://www.decidim.barcelona/processes/eixverdpereiv  

  • Project Details:  

Barcelona City Council wants to build a city model that has a healthier, safer, greener public space that favours social relations and the local economy. In this context, a participatory process has been launched to work with citizens to develop the intervention criteria for the axis of Carrer Pere IV between Joan d’Austria and Roc de Boronat. 

Thematic Area: Healthy public space 

Thematic Sub-category: Sustainable Mobility, Smart city solutions and tools, Green Urbanism related to improving social relations. 

Type of Actor/Agent: Local Council 

Typology of Green Urban Site: City urban garden 

  • Elementi della città verde used – Green Urbanism, Smart People, Smart Governance, Citizen Engagement. 
  • Engagement and Consultation 

Target Group – Citizens. 

Public Engagement – YES. 

Consultation Tools Used – In-person focus group, Survey or feedback forms at public meetings, Stakeholder interviews, Proper public engagement. 

E-tools: – Eje verde Pere IV entre Joan d’Àustria y Roc de Boronat – decidim.barcelona 

  • Innovation and Impact 

Level of Scale of Innovation: 3 

Abstract of Elements of Innovation – Participatory process to draw up, together with the citizens, the intervention criteria for the Pere IV street axis.  

To find out about people’s experiences and needs for Green areas, with shade and fountains where the following activities can be carried out: 

  • Recreational areas for walking, resting, sunbathing, cycling, or parking. 
  • Commercial activities. 
  • Meeting areas for socialising. 
  • Recreational and sporting activities. 

Expected Impact Medium. 

  • Analysis: – Needs Analysis conducted. 
  • Benefits (B) and Challenges (C) 

(B) Improved Air Quality, Improved environmental resilience, Improving physical fitness and reducing depression, Well-being benefits (such as people’s perception of increased biodiversity and improved visual quality of the environment), Creation of green jobs and business opportunities, Improved visual quality of the environment, Recreational opportunities, Adjusting psychological well-being and physical health, Enhancing social ties, Improving physical fitness and reducing depression. 

(C) N/A 

  • Resources and Transferability 

Teaching Materials/Resources: N/A  

Personal Skills Required: LOW 

Non-discriminatory Principles YES 

Transferability Potential Medium