Location: Gdańsk
Country: Poland
Contact Information: City of Gdansk, [email protected]
Website Address: https://www.gdansk.pl/mapa-inwestycji/bo,o,12000#details
- Project Details:
A rain garden was created at the “Promyk” animal shelter. The goal was to reduce the amount of rainwater flowing from the smooth surfaces and to drain the area of the “Promyk” animal sheltes in Gdańsk. The idea was submitted and accepted in the Participatory Budget 2022 in Gdańsk.
Thematic Area: Climate Change Adaptation
Thematic Sub-category: Water as natural resource, Behavioural adaptation to extreme weather.
Type of Actor/Agent: Local Council
Typology of Green Urban Site: Street and residential project.
- Zöld Város Elemek used – Water Recovery and Reuse, Water storage, Sustainable Drainage Systems, Irrigation, Flash Flood.
- Engagement and Consultation:
Target Group – Citizens.
Public Engagement – YES.
Consultation Tools Used – Proper public engagement.
E-tools: – Own platform is used for participatory budgeting: https://gdansk.ardvote.pl/
- Innovation and Impact:
Level of Scale of Innovation: 3
Abstract of Elements of Innovation – N/A.
Expected Impact High.
- Analysis: – N/A.
- Benefits (B) and Challenges (C):
(B) Flooding & water Quality, Increased biodiversity, Improved environmental resilience, Social cost savings (such as the impact of reduced air pollution), Improved visual quality of the environment, Aesthetic enjoyment.
(C) N/A.
- Resources and Transferability:
Teaching Materials/Resources: Inspiration catalogue for ideas in the participatory budgeting: https://www.gdansk.pl/budzet-obywatelski/katalog-inspiracji
Personal Skills Required: High.
Non-discriminatory Principles N/A
Transferability Potential High.