Location: Ljubljana
Country: Slovenia
Contact Information: Department of Urban Planning of Municipality of Ljubljana, [email protected]
Website Address: https://www.ljubljana.si/en/municipality/mol-city-administration/departments/urban-planning-department/
- Project Details:
The project in Savsko naselje was initiated by the Municipality of Ljubljana in 2013. Organized and spontaneous community meetings were held to define a programme for regeneration of the neighbourhood on several levels including bottom-up spatial planning and a traffic plan for the neighbourhood. A bottom-up spatial vision for public spaces was prepared which combined proposals and initiatives for public spaces of Savsko naselje such as activities in urban gardens. A community center was also established which houses non-profit activities, and acts as a “Library of Things” where residents can borrow a variety of items for sports, play, household or travel.
Thematic Area: Improving social relations.
Thematic Sub-category: Waste management, Green Urbanism related to improving social relations.
Type of Actor/Agent: Local Council
Typology of Green Urban Site: Street and residential project.
- Zöld Város Elemek used – Green Urbanism, 3Rs and 7Rs, Citizen Engagement.
- Engagement and Consultation:
Target Group – Citizens.
Public Engagement – YES.
Consultation Tools Used – Survey or feedback forms at public meetings.
- Innovation and Impact:
Level of Scale of Innovation: 3
Abstract of Elements of Innovation – N/A.
Expected Impact Medium.
- Analysis: – N/A.
- Benefits (B) and Challenges (C):
(B) Increased biodiversity, Improving physical fitness and reducing depression, Increased cultural significance, Well-being benefits (such as people’s perception of increased biodiversity and improved visual quality of the environment), Improved visual quality of the environment, Recreational opportunities, Aesthetic enjoyment, Adjusting psychological well-being and physical health, Enhancing social ties, Improving physical fitness and reducing depression.
(C) N/A.
- Resources and Transferability:
Teaching Materials/Resources: No
Personal Skills Required: LOW
Non-discriminatory Principles N/A
Transferability Potential High.