3Rs/7Rs Rule

Circular Economy is the model in which we do not use and dispatch resources, but instead we use our resources more reasonably and in a more efficient way, reducing our production of waste. The 3Rs rule (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) or a more extent version, 7Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Renovate, Recover, Rethink, Recycle) help citizens to take steps towards circular economy.
Circular economy is a production and consumption model that consists of sharing, renting, reusing, repairing, renewing and recycling existing materials and products as many times as possible, giving them added value. This way, the lifecycle of the products is extended, and the production of waste is reduced to a minimum, getting economic and environmental benefits.
The 3Rs/7Rs rule aims to remind local actors in a simple way about straightforward actions to change our consumption habits (reduce your consumption, reuse things, recycle more), making citizens and local shareholders responsible for the use of resources and generation of waste. This rule is based on different main steps that take into account that nearly 80% of the impact of the products used in a city can be reduced in the design phase done mainly by private companies, but as well promoted by public regulations. As well, the change in the management of waste resources in the city and the change of behaviour of citizens and private local actors can achieve to reduce drastically our waste production and reuse of products.
Any local actor, i.e., private, public organizations, regular citizens, can apply in their daily life these rules of 3Rs/7Rs to use resources in a better and more economical way.
By implementing zero waste lifestyle, we protect the environment as we reduce our carbon footprint and the need for new materials. For this, it is essential putting “Circular Economy” into practice by following the simple rule of 3Rs/7Rs.

Main Features
- Easy to remember
- Aimed at all local shareholders
- Applicable in our daily life
- Reduction of used resources
- Reduction of generated waste
Advantages and challenges
+ 3Rs or 7Rs rule are an easy way to remember simple actions that all local shareholders can implement to improve the use of resources.
+ Applying these rules improves the reduction of using the limited resources, promotes the use of local resources over overseas resources, and reduces drastically the quantity of waste produced by each one of us.
+ If applied well, it usually means better local economy as we tend to reduce the purchase of resources, and savings can be made by reusing resources and reducing waste (that implies the payment of waste management costs).
– Only with this rule, we do not solve the whole problem, thus, more actions are needed (even though it is a good start).
– There is a lack of professionals who have the relevant knowledge and experience to include these rules on a professional basis. In addition, there is also a lack of knowledge sometimes on how to apply these rules in different sectors of the city.