
Background knowledge for any green urban decision-making, so citizens can overview the causal links among the elements, their contribution to the urban systems, their possible spill-over effects and the reference to their total economic value.

Greenvolve Handbook | DOWNLOAD HERE

It is an Adult Education Toolkit for Citizen Engagement and it will be a universal toolkit focusing on green city-related citizen engagements. It will contain different adult learning materials about the main principles of citizen involvement and for boosting critical thinking. It will also help strengthen the citizens’ personal skills to be able to participate in different type of public consultations.

PR2_A2-Guidance-of-engagement | DOWNLOAD HERE
PR2_A1-Collection-of-Citizen-Involvement-Principles |

The Database will support the first two project results as there will be two collections of good practices related to both pillars: GREEN CITY ELEMENTS and PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS. The idea is to collect a significant number of good practices for both databases during the project implementation which will be available on the Greenvolve platform.

Collection of good practices and innovative solutions for green city elements | DOWNLOAD HERE

Collection of civic engagement and public consultation related to green city elements | DOWNLOAD HERE

The users of the platform will be able to test themselves interactively in topics connected to public consultations in green issues. It will contain multiple choice questions, not about the theoretical content directly but rather tricky questions requiring critical thinking and holistic approach in the field of green city elements. (Related to e.g., real-life examples, personal data, methodological questions of public consultation)