Country: Malta
Contact Information: [email protected]
Type of Best Practice: Collection of civic engagement and public consultation related to green city elements
Basic Abstract of the Best Practice: The Valletta Design Cluster within the Valletta Cultural Agency is a community space for cultural and creative practice situated in the renovated Old Abattoir (Il-Biċċerija l-Antika) in Valletta. The project supports design and entrepreneurship having a positive social impact, taking collaborative creative approaches as the key to achieve benefits for individuals, communities and society at large.
Thematic Area: Healthy public space
Thematic Sub-Category: Buildings & environment, Tourism Adapted to Climate Change, Smart city solutions and tools, Green Urbanism related to improving social relations
Type of Actor/Agent: Government
Typology of Green Urban Site: Creativity centre
Green City Elements "Sustainable Mobility": Green Urbanism
Green City Elements "Renewable & Alternative Energy Sources": Green Urbanism, Integrated Photovoltaics in Urban Environment, Energy Efficiency in Urban Planning
Green City Elements "Water as Natural Resource": Water Recovery and Reuse, Irrigation, Buildings and Climate Change, Green roofs and walls
Green City Elements "Buildings & Environment": Buildings and Climate Change, Green roofs and walls, Shading facilities, Green areas and Heat Island Effect, Bee-friendly gardens
Green City Elements "Tourism Adapted to Climate Change": Adapted Touristic Facilities
Green City Elements "Behavioural Adaptation to Extreme Weather": Heatwaves
Green City Elements "Waste Management": 3Rs and 7Rs, Conscious Consumption, Short Supply Chain
Green City Elements "Smart City Domains for the Citizens in Green Cities": Smart People, Smart Environment, Smart Living
Green City Elements "Smart City Solutions and Tools": Citizen Engagement, Co-creation in Urban Planning
Green City Elements "Better Consumption & Production": Energy Poverty
Green City Elements "Energy Efficiency": Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Target Groups: Citizens
Was there a public engagement best practice adopted specifically to an urban greening project ? : Yes
If yes to previous question - what was the type of consultation tool used? : Focus groups, Stakeholder interviews, Proper public engagement
"Were any e-tools used, including social media?" : No
Any weblinks to the consultation exercise, best practice or e-tools?"
: Zammit, A., Azzopardi, C., & Attard, D. (2015). Assessing the relationship between community
inclusion and space through Valletta 2018 cultural infrastructural projects on various community groups.
Theme 3 community inclusion & space: evaluation & monitoring research findings 2015, 28-44.
Level of Scale of Innovation for the Urban Greening Project: 4
Abstract of Elements of Innovation: """• User-centred on-site consultations with future users and communities; • The establishment of small green roof in the Capital Valletta; • Promotion of green roofs when planning for new urban development areas; • The establishment of new working spaces for creativity and innovation; • Establishment of social hub and place of rest in a dense and historically empoverished slum area; • Planting 'seeds' for serenity, greenery and social exchange in an otherwise densely built city. "" "
Expected Impact: High
Approximate Budget and Source of Money: Unknown
Was a Needs Analysis Undertaken?: Yes
Environmental Benefits: Temperature & Climate control, Flooding & water Quality, Increased biodiversity, Improved environmental resilience
Material / Economic Benefits: Limiting impact of heatwaves by reducing urban temperatures, Increased cultural significance, Well-being benefits (such as people’s perception of increased biodiversity and improved visual quality of the environment), Creationof green jobs and business opportunities, Improved visual quality of the environment
Challenges Encountered: Public challenges since the community was apprehensive and feared loosing this space in the neighborhood.
Any teaching material/resources developed specific to public consultations and urban greening? : Yes
If yes to previous provide link and upload to basecamp folder please. : Mostly reports on the methods and results. Valletta 2018 Foundation (2018). The impacts of the European capital of culture: final research report. Cremona, V. A. (2017). Mapping culture and cultural interaction in view of Valletta 2018 European Capital of Culture (ECoC). In V. A. Cremona (ed.), Capitalising on culture? Malta and the European capital of culture (pp. 1-13). Msida: Malta University Publishing.https://www.um.edu.mt/library/oar/handle/123456789/20063
Personal Skills Required: Low
Non-Discriminatory Principles: Yes
Transferability Potential: High