Location: Budapest
Country: Hungary
Contact Information: Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata, [email protected]
Website Address: https://otlet.budapest.hu/projektek/180
- Project Details:
During the voting of the 2021/2022 participatory budgeting of Budapest, one of the winner ideas was to establish kindergarten composters and raised garden beds and strengthen the culture of composting. It is worth starting to raise awareness in childhood. By composting in the kindergarten and growing plants in raised garden beds, children can learn about the processes of nature. Kindergartens can apply for grant to purchase composters and raised garden beds. In addition, awareness-raising event and training will be held for the beneficiaries who, this way, will be able to share the knowledge and their experience with their colleagues, the children, and their parents.
Thematic Area: Circular Economy
Thematic Sub-category: Waste management, Better consumption & production, Green Urbanism related to improving social relations.
Type of Actor/Agent: Local Council
Typology of Green Urban Site: Kindergarten
- Zaļās pilsētas elementi used – Compost, Conscious Consumption.
- Engagement and Consultation:
Target Group – Citizens.
Public Engagement – YES.
Consultation Tools Used – Proper public engagement.
E-tools: – Platform: https://otlet.budapest.hu/
- Innovation and Impact:
Level of Scale of Innovation: 1
Abstract of Elements of Innovation – N/A.
Expected Impact High.
- Analysis: – N/A.
- Benefits (B) and Challenges (C):
(B) Increased biodiversity, Improving physical fitness and reducing depression, Well-being benefits (such as people’s perception of increased biodiversity and improved visual quality of the environment), Improved visual quality of the environment, Recreational opportunities, Aesthetic enjoyment, Enhancing social ties, Providing educational opportunities, Improving physical fitness and reducing depression.
(C) N/A.
- Resources and Transferability:
Teaching Materials/Resources: N/A
Personal Skills Required: Medium.
Non-discriminatory Principles N/A
Transferability Potential High.