Location: Alkmaar
Country: Netherlands
Contact Information: [email protected]
Website Address: Link
Among the multiple urban elements in which renewable energy has been integrated in the city of Alkmaar (housing neighbourhoods and energy sustainable public buildings, sports complexes and other types of facilities also powered by renewable energy…), it stands out for its originality. The photovoltaic noise screen built along the road that surrounds the Westrand district.
Thematic Area – Climate change adaptation
Thematic Sub-category –
- Sustainable Mobility
- Renewable & Alternative Energy Sources
- Behavioural adaptation to extreme weather
- Smart city domains for the citizens in green cities
- Smart city solutions and tools
- Energy Efficiency
- Green Urbanism related to improving social
Type of Actor/Agent –Government
Typology of Green Urban Site – Ring Road adjacent
to a city district.
Green City Elements:
- Integrated Photovoltaics in Urban Environment
- Energy Efficiency in Urban Planning
- Solar Energy – Photovoltaics
- Green Urbanism
- Buildings and Climate Change
- Smart Economy
- Smart People
- Smart Governance
- Smart Mobility
- Smart Environment
- Energy Efficiency in Buildings.
Engagement and Consultation:
Target Groups – Politicians, policy officers or their
Public Engagement – Was applied, proper public
Consultation Tools Used – Survey or feedback
forms at public meetings, stakeholder interviews
Innovation and Impact
Innovation in a historic scene tests with Vehicleto-Grid (bus etc) to get sustainable mobility will
be performed with buses at a bus depot within the
Westrand and an electricity producing noise
cancelling screen will be constructed along the
ring road adjacent to the district.
Expected Impact Medium
Level of Scale of Innovation 3
Budget and Analysis:
Budget Spent, Source of Money: n/a
Temperature & Climate control, improved
environmental resilience, increased cultural
significance, social cost savings (such as the
impact of reduced air pollution), improved visual
quality of the environment), adjusting
psychological well-being and physical health.
Challenges: Alkmaar is developing new
technologies to be a sustainable and modern city,
trying to give to citizens a healthier a comfortable
Resources and Transferability:
Teaching Materials/Resources: Video, Video
Personal Skills Required: High
Non-discriminatory Principles: Yes
Transferability Potential: Medium