Location: Romorantin-Lanthenay
Country: France
Επικοινωνία Πληροφορίες: [email protected]
Website Address: Link

The redevelopment of the former Matra site, a 6-hectare area in central Romorantin-Lanthenay along the Sauldre river, focused on nature and flood protection. After demolishing most old buildings, except those listed as Historic Monuments, the project embraced flood risks as its core principle. With 80% landscape and 20% construction, it features natural flood regulation, housing (mainly social) with flood-adaptive garages, and elevated individual homes to counter flooding. The landscape design, including rainwater basins and sheltered walkways, enhances safety and flood resilience, proven effective in the 2016 floods. This transformation promotes social diversity and urban nature, integrating site-specific challenges.

Thematic Area – Climate change adaptation
Thematic Sub-category –

  • Buildings & environment
  • Προσαρμογή της συμπεριφοράς σε ακραία καιρικά φαινόμενα
  • Τομείς έξυπνων πόλεων για τους πολίτες στις πράσινες πόλεις
  • Smart city solutions and tools.

Type of Actor/Agent – Local Council
Typology of Green Urban Site – Street and residential

Green City Elements:

  • Βιώσιμα Συστήματα Αποχέτευσης
  • Riverbanks and seashore areas
  • Κτίρια Και Κλιματική Αλλαγή
  • Κτίρια Και Κλιματική Αλλαγή
  • Πλημμύρα
  • Έξυπνο Περιβάλλον

Engagement and Consultation:
Target Groups – Citizens
Public Engagement – n/a
Consultation Tools Used – n/a

Resources and Transferability:
Teaching Materials/Resources: n/a
Personal Skills Required: High
Nondiscriminatory Principles: Yes
Transferability Potential: Medium

Innovation and Impact

The Municipality initiated a constructive dialogue with the French State to identify ad-hoc technical solutions considering natural risks. In this district, the layout was designed “like that of a tributary of the river”. This is why the gardens, basement and floors of the dwellings have been raised by at least 1.50 m, so that the garages are more likely to be flooded than the dwellings. The architect took into account the topography of the place. The levels of each construction being different, this facilitates the safe departure of the inhabitants, as long as a level 30 cm higher than the level of the 100-year flood is not reached. Following the same logic, sidewalks and pedestrian crossings have been raised to allow residents to leave their homes without being trapped. Similarly, each accommodation has terraces accessible by fireboats

Expected Impact Medium
Level of Scale of Innovation 3

Budget and Analysis: 

Budget Spent, Source of Money: 7,000,000
euros, financed by the Municipality.
Flooding & water quality, improved environmental
resilience, social cost savings (such as the impact
of reduced air pollution)
Challenges: n/a