Valletta Design Cluster

Location: Valletta 

Country: Malta

Contact Information: [email protected]

Website Address: Link

The Valletta Design Cluster within the Valletta Cultural Agency is a community space for cultural and creative practice situated in the renovated Old Abattoir (Il-Biċċerija l-Antika) in Valletta. The project supports design and entrepreneurship having a positive social impact, taking collaborative creative approaches as the key to achieve benefits for individuals, communities and society at large.

Thematic Area – Healthy public space

Thematic Sub-category –

  • Buildings & environment;
  • Tourism Adapted to Climate Change;
  • Smart city solutions and tools;
  • Green Urbanism related to improving social relations.

Type of Actor/Agent – Creativity Centre

Typology of Green Urban Site – Green roof or wall

Green City Elements:

  • Πράσινος αστροπολιτισμός
  • Integrated Photovoltaics in Urban Environment
  • Energy (Efficiency in Urban Planning, Efficiency in Buildings, Poverty)
  • Water Recovery and Reuse
  • Irrigation, Buildings and Climate Change
  • Green roofs and walls
  • Κτίρια Και Κλιματική Αλλαγή
  • Shading facilities
  • Green areas and Heat Island Effect
  • Bee-friendly gardens
  • Adapted Touristic Facilities
  • Κύματα Καύσωνα
  • 3Rs and 7Rs
  • Tudatos Fogyasztás
  • Συντομη Αλυσιδα Εφοδιασμου
  • Smart (People, Environment, Living)
  • Εμπλοκή Των Πολιτών
  • Co-creation in Urban Planning

Engagement and Consultation:

Target Groups – Citizens.

Public Engagement – Was applied

Consultation Tools Used – Focus groups, Stakeholder interviews, Proper public engagement. Resources

Innovation and Impact:

  • User-centred on-site consultations with future users and communities;
  • The establishment of a small green roof in the Capital Valletta;
  • Promotion of green roofs when planning for new urban development areas;
  • The establishment of new working spaces for creativity and innovation;
  • Establishment of a social hub and place of rest in a dense and historically impoverished slum area;
  • Planting ‘seeds’ for serenity, greenery and social exchange in an otherwise densely built city.

Expected Impact High

Level of Scale of Innovation 4


The initiative addresses climate and water management, boosts biodiversity, and enhances environmental resilience. It reduces urban heat, improves visual quality, and fosters well-being. Additionally, it creates green jobs, offers recreational and educational opportunities, and supports physical and psychological health, while strengthening social connections

Challenges: Public challenges since the community was apprehensive and feared losing this space in the neighbourhood.

Resources and Transferability:

Teaching Materials/Resources: Link

Personal Skills Required: Low

Non-discriminatory Principles: Yes

Transferability Potential: High