Peer Parliaments
Country: European Union
Contact Information: Contact link
Website Address: Website Link
Type of Best Practice: Collection of good practices and innovative solutions
Basic Abstract of the Best Practice: The message given is: Get together with a group of family, friends, students or colleagues and discuss how best we can fight climate change by changing the way we travel, eat and use energy.
Thematic Area: Climate Change Mitigation
Thematic Sub-Category: Sustainable Mobility, Renewable & Alternative Energy Sources, Better consumption & production
Type of Actor/Agent: Other Public
Typology of Green Urban Site: Urban areas
Green City Elements "Sustainable Mobility": Human-Powered Mobility, Public Transport, Electric and Alternative Mobility, Shared Mobility and MaaS, Multimodal Mobility, Green Urbanism, Integrated Photovoltaics in Urban Environment, Energy Efficiency in Urban Planning, Energy Communities, Solar Energy - Photovoltaics
Green City Elements "Renewable & Alternative Energy Sources": Positive Energy Neighbourhoods, Integrated Photovoltaics in Urban Environment, Energy Efficiency in Urban Planning, Energy Communities, Solar Energy - Photovoltaics, Alternative Energy Sources
Green City Elements "Buildings & Environment": Κτίρια Και Κλιματική Αλλαγή
Green City Elements "Waste Management": Tudatos Fogyasztás
Green City Elements "Smart City Solutions and Tools": Εμπλοκή Των Πολιτών
Green City Elements "Better Consumption & Production": Urban Energy Consumption, Energy Savings
Green City Elements "Energy Efficiency": Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Target Groups: Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Target groups: Citizens
Was there a public engagement best practice adopted specifically to an urban greening project ? : No
Were any e-tools used, including social media?: Yes
Any weblinks to the consultation exercise, best practice or e-tools?: External link
Level of Scale of Innovation for the Urban Greening Project: 3
Abstract of elements of innovation for the consulted urban greening project (scale, but also as bullets for publishing): • Encouraging everyone to host or join a Peer Parliament. • Desing climate policies for people and with people.
Expected impact (example: at neighbourhood, local council, regional level, or in the long term): Medium
Was a Needs Analysis Undertaken?: Yes
Environmental Benefits: Temperature & Climate control, Improved Air Quality, Improved environmental resilience
Material / Economic Benefits: Increased cultural significance, Social cost savings (such as the impact of reduced air pollution), Creationof green jobs and business opportunities, Improved visual quality of the environment
Challenges Encountered: Taking awareness about the climate change problem
Any teaching material/resources developed specific to public consultations and urban greening?: Yes
If yes to previous provide link and upload to basecamp folder please.: External Link
Non-Discriminatory Principles: Yes
Transferability Potential: Low